I got Guantanamo treatment at the Buffalo border.

share your #FlyingWhileMuslim story

I'm on the list! I am banned as muslim. I got Guantanamo treatment at the Buffalo border. Ice cold container room, good cop/bad cop playing with you. Hours of nothing then finger prints and deported me and my bike back across the Fort Erie bridge. it was 8 years ago but still terrifying.

Have you ever received a response or resolution from either an airline, airport or government official regarding the discrimination you experienced? If so, what was the response or the result?

I tried to appeal. Useless. Just a garbled, illiterate reply. It's a life sentence.

Has the discrimination you've faced made it harder for you to travel? If so, in what ways and at what cost?

Yes. I fear travel as DHS/FBI/CIA has total control of 'collective west' borders.

What was your reaction to the No-Fly List leak story? how did it make you feel?

Thanks for posting. I feel like a criminal, a freak. People laugh but it's like killing me. It's as close as the bastards can get within 'the law'.

Lau BarriosComment